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City Officials Speak to Budget Cuts
Budget cuts have resulted in reduced services for many communities. What services has your city been able to preserve that you are most proud of?

Susan Rohan, Mayor, Roseville

Library hours at our branches. The economy has made our libraries a critical tool for career development and job searches.


Eduardo Montesino, Council Member, Watsonville

Fifty percent of our city is age 18 or younger.  We’ve worked hard to keep libraries open and preserve parks and recreation programs.


Mike Gipson, Council Member, Carson

Protecting and maintaining public safety services.


Larry Carr, Council Member, Morgan Hill

Public safety and recreation programs. The biggest hit is finding how to fund infrastructure improvements that were previously done with redevelopment.


Scott Nelson, Mayor, Placentia

Public safety.  And public-private partnerships have helped us maintain some of our swim programs and after-school programs for youth, but not a lot of them.


Robert Pullen-Miles, Council Member, Lawndale

Preserving senior services and programs for youth.


This article appears in the May 2013 issue of Western City
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