Article Web Exclusive

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What is your city’s top public safety challenge?

Kristy Franklin, Council Member, La Quinta

Residential break-ins.

Bill Hodge, Council Member, Calexico

Keeping fire and police adequately staffed and the needed resources in place while dealing with less revenue and maintaining morale.

Lara DeLaney, Council Member, Martinez

Enhancing the feeling of safety for our community in the downtown area.

Holly Sierra, Mayor, Buellton

Pedestrian safety. We are working to slow high-speed traffic around Highway 246.

Desley Brooks, Council Member, Oakland

Trying to balance a lack of resources with the need for more police officers.

Deirdre Bennett, Council Member, Colton

Funding. We’ve had to reduce service levels, yet the need remains.

This article appears in the October 2012 issue of Western City
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