Article Web Exclusive

Web Exclusive
What is your city’s toughest infrastructure challenge?

Paula Lantz, Council Member, Pomona

Maintaining old infrastructure with less funding every year.

Steve Hernandez, Council Member, Coachella

How to fund it.

Anu Natarajan, Vice Mayor, Fremont

With redevelopment gone, transit and affordable housing stock are big challenges. Our primary funding for both came from redevelopment.

Susan Wengraf, Council Member, Berkeley

Streets and the watershed. We’re built on a hillside where some areas lack storm drains. We have slide zones and flatland flooding. Many streets are in terrible condition. Faced with funding shortfalls, we’ve made social service programs for youth and seniors a priority over infrastructure.

Steve Tate, Mayor, Morgan Hill

Finding the funds to complete a flood control project.

Elbert Holman, Council Member, Stockton

The loss of redevelopment will make it hard to rebuild the downtown area.

This article appears in the March 2013 issue of Western City
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