Environment and Energy


Environment and Energy

Article Features Catherine Reheis-Boyd

Making the Case for Fracking

Expanded production of the Monterey Shale Formation could create new jobs.

Article Features Damon Nagami

California Needs to Call Time-Out on Fracking

Safeguards have not kept pace with fracking, which poses hazards.

Be a Beacon: The Power of Recognition

The Beacon Award program, a catalyst for innovative and effective solutions, addresses climate change at the local level and informs the community about these activities.

Article Features Heidi SanbornGretchen Olsen

Product Stewardship Saves Money, Creates Jobs and Reduces Waste

The law that established California’s landmark waste hierarchy of “reduce, reuse and recycle” led to collaborative efforts and the concept of product stewardship.

Article Features Karalee Browne

Beacon Award-Winner San Rafael Makes Sustainability a Priority

San Rafael has focused on sustainable land use by preserving open space, encouraging mixed-use infill development and adopting green building requirements. Now its community is actively reducing…

Elk Grove Rain Garden Plaza Showcases Water Conservation

A public project demonstrates sustainable stormwater management practices and offers an educational, inviting space.

Article Legal Notes Leah Goldberg

The Gatto Act Provides Cities With New Opportunities for Environmental Cleanup

The Legislature’s elimination of redevelopment agencies in 2012 stripped cities of several important tools to address blight in the community. Meanwhile, contamination or the threat of…

Sustainability Yields Fiscal and Economic Benefits

New resources offer practical tips to enhance cities’ economic prosperity and fiscal health.

ILG Releases Updated Online Guide to Planning Healthy Neighborhoods

Throughout California, city and county officials make planning, policy and land-use decisions on a weekly basis. Local officials understand that such decisions affect their community’s…

Article Legal Notes Stephen E. Velyvis

Practical Advice for Minimizing CEQA Liability in Your City

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is the primary state law that requires public agencies and their decision-makers to understand and evaluate the environmental consequences of their…

Malibu’s Legacy Park: A Public Works Approach to Sustainability

Every year, thousands of visitors flock to Legacy Park, which was designed to showcase six regionally significant habitats, including the coastal prairie, woodlands, coastal bluffs, riparian…

Article Sustainable Cities Yvonne Hunter

Financial Resources to Support Energy Efficiency

California’s energy utilities and state agencies offer rebates, zero-interest loans, grants and other types of financing incentives to cities, residents and businesses.

Article City Forum James Hamill

Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing for Commercial Building Upgrades

Efforts to achieve greater energy efficiency in commercial and industrial buildings are often hampered by substantial upfront costs. To help local businesses overcome these cost barriers,…

Article Sustainable Cities The Institute For Local Government Team

Bright Ideas for Connecting Youth and Sustainability

Activities that help youth become involved in and understand issues related to sustainability span a broad range.

Article Features Lindsay Buckley

Beyond the Light Bulb: Natural Gas Opportunities for Local Agencies

Natural gas offers ways to increase efficiency and save money.

Article City Forum Marcus Ginnaty

Solar Decathlon Features Innovation, Municipal Day and More

An international competition of solar-powered, energy-efficient houses designed by teams of college students, is coming to Southern California.

Article Sustainable Cities The Institute For Local Government Sustainability Team

Sustainability’s New Normal: Capturing Multiple Benefits

California cities and counties are increasingly finding that investing today in energy efficiency, sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions has both immediate and longer-term benefits.

ILG Releases Updated Sustainability Best Practices Framework

The newly revised framework offers options to consider for local action in 10 areas from energy efficiency and conservation to efficient transportation, promoting community and individual action…