Environment and Energy


Environment and Energy

Article Features Karalee Browne

Palo Alto Builds on a Legacy of Innovation as a Sustainable Community

Many of the more progressive policies and programs in place today started as smaller pilot programs.


Celebrating 60 Years of Service to California’s Local Governments

This year the Institute for Local Government (ILG) celebrates its 60th anniversary. The occasion offers a chance to reflect on ILG’s history of promoting good government at the local level and look to its future in helping create opportunities and establish partnerships that support the work of local agencies throughout California.

Advancing Climate Action, Sustainability and Community Well-Being

A recent symposium brought together state and local leaders to explore opportunities for accelerating sustainability activities in California.

Article Features Ken Farfsing

Stormwater: The Orphaned Utility

How quickly can stormwater utilities be rescued from their financial straitjacket so they can start helping resolve the state’s chronic water supply problems?

Article Features Dave Cogdill

Heeding the Call for Water Conservation

If every home in the state were retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures, over 300 billion gallons of water could be saved per year.

Article Features Mark W. Cowin

Seeking Sustainability for California Groundwater

The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act establishes a new structure for managing California’s groundwater and gives new authority to local agencies.

Benicia Turns Green Laws Into Greenbacks for Local Businesses

The Business Resource Incentive Program combines economic development and environmental sustainability.

San José’s “Bring Your Own Bag” Ordinance Cuts Plastic Bag Pollution

Plastic bag litter and increasingly stringent regulations signaled it was time to act.

Article President’s Message Stephany Aguilar

Cars of the Future: Connected and Autonomous

Just as the Internet and smartphones changed the world, the advent of connected and autonomous vehicles will have a profound impact on our lives and our cities.

Article Features The Institute For Local Government Sustainability Team

Converting Waste to Energy: How to Make it Happen in Your Community

Local jurisdictions with anaerobic digestion projects in their communities report multiple benefits.

Dublin Uses Public-Private Partnership to Transform Neighborhood

The city converted public housing to privately owned affordable housing and created a new neighborhood. The five-year planning process involved all key stakeholders, including existing residents,…

Article Features Julie Pierce

The Future of SB 375 Implementation and Regional Planning

All 18 metropolitan planning organizations in California will have adopted their first Regional Transportation Plans under SB 375 by May 2015. This article looks at what SB 375 has accomplished…

Article Features Cory Golden

A Growing Risk: Oil Trains Raise Safety and Environmental Concerns

An oil boom in North Dakota and Canada from the Bakken shale formation and a lack of pipeline infrastructure have led to a dramatic increase in oil-by-rail shipments nationwide. As the volume…

Article City Forum Eva Spiegel

New Study Reveals Nearly $7.3 Billion Needed Annually to Make Streets and Roads Safe

In 10 years it is expected that, without greater investment, 25 percent of local streets and roads will be ranked “poor” — compared with 6 percent today. The local system will have an…

Article Web Exclusive Karalee BrowneMelissa Kuehne

Road Diets Make Streets Leaner, Safer and More Efficient

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Disruptive Technology, Public Policy and Leadership

Public sector leaders face a number of challenges related to disruptive technology.

Article Features Ed Wilson

Regulating Fracking in California: An Overview

Recent legislation provides a new regulatory framework.