Governance, Legislation, and Law


Governance, Legislation & Law

Article Local Works by Amanda Cadelago

Cities Harness Creativity as They Develop Safe Reopening Plans

­While different regions and industry sectors opened at various times, the desire to safely reopen businesses and give residents opportunities to carefully move about their communities was a common theme guiding city leaders’ decisions.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

What COVID-19 Is Teaching Us

As our communities move through the phases of recovery, cities are benefiting from new ways of doing the public’s business and also confronting the challenges associated with COVID-19’s impacts.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

Building Just and Equitable Communities

The impacts of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and the injustices his death exemplifies are being felt on our streets, in our businesses, and in every city and town in California, across the country, and throughout the world.

Article Features by Jill Oviatt

Redwood City’s Quest to Bring Back Missing Middle Housing

Reducing the minimum lot size for duplexes and triplexes and revising current open-space requirements are among the city’s proposed zoning updates.

Article Features by Daniel Parolek and Tony Perez

How to Ensure That Missing Middle Housing Is Not Missing From Your City’s Policy, Planning, and Zoning

“Missing middle” housing helps to address the growing demand for walkable communities, respond to shifting household demographics, and meet the need for more housing choices.

Article Local Works by Jill Oviatt

Cities Use Technology to Keep Constituents Informed and Engaged During Pandemic

City leaders worked hard to ensure that local government remained accessible and residents were able to participate in council meetings and obtain essential services.

Article Legal Notes by Nora Wetzel

Cyberattacks and Public Agency Response

Taking proactive steps is the key to preventing or recovering from a cyberattack. Cities should implement preventive measures with an emphasis on best practices.

Dublin Provides Affordable Housing for Veterans

An innovative public-private-nonprofit partnership transformed a former car dealership site into housing for veterans, comprising 66 units that are 100 percent affordable.

Encinitas Retools Planning to Increase Housing Options

The city retooled its existing zoning and standards to make it easier for property owners to add accessory dwelling units, also known as granny flats. Encinitas also successfully sponsored state legislation to make the changes possible.

Article Local Works

California Cities Demonstrate Resiliency and Leadership During COVID-19 Crisis

With “safer at home” orders in effect in an attempt to flatten the curve of COVID-19 spread, cities were on the front lines maintaining essential services and working to protect residents who were out of work or lost their job because of the crisis.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

In an Unprecedented Crisis, Local and State Leaders Step Up

When early reports of infection showed California was among the states with the highest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases, local and state leaders stepped up, taking action to slow the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable populations.

Article Legal Notes by Gage Dungy and Savana Manglona

New Law Expands Workplace Lactation Accommodation Requirements for Employers

New legislation significantly expands the obligation of all California employers to provide lactation accommodations for employees. As a result, cities should be aware of these new obligations to ensure their worksites are compliant.

Article Executive Director's Message by Carolyn Coleman

Census 2020: What’s at Stake and Why Every City Needs to Drive Participation

California faces unique challenges to achieving an accurate count — 75 percent of its residents are considered “hard to count” and have been historically undercounted in the census.

Article Features by Maria West

What Cities Need to Know About SB 1383 and Funding Organic Waste Management

Cities should immediately begin planning for and implementing the required organic waste collection and edible food recovery services. This work includes assessing and securing adequate capacity for organics processing and edible food recovery, which can be done individually or in conjunction with counties, other cities and regional agencies.

Article Legal Notes by Stephen A. McEwen

Code Enforcement by Drone: Critical Considerations Before Launching

Because not all potential code violations can be investigated from the public right of way, code enforcement investigations may require access to enclosed or shielded areas of private property. In these settings, code enforcement staff may be strongly tempted to rely on emerging drone technology.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Nicole Enright

Scrap Your Fears About Food Waste Regulations: Preparing for SB 1383

California cities are preparing to comply with new targets to reduce statewide emissions of short-lived climate pollutants and reduce organic waste in landfills. To help cities with this, the Institute for Local Government is partnering with CalRecycle to raise awareness and connect local governments with resources and expertise.

Article Executive Director's Message by Carolyn Coleman

League Strategic Priorities Set a Course for 2020

The League board of directors, joined by leaders from each of the League’s divisions, departments, policy committees and diversity caucuses, convened in early December to reflect on city accomplishments in 2019, discuss current challenges and establish the League strategic priorities for 2020.

Article Features by Dan Carrigg

2019 Legislative Year in Review

When the 2019 legislative session began, Democrats had gained historic supermajorities in the Legislature. Yet progress for the progressive Democratic agenda was muted. And in the face of multiple attacks on local zoning authority and other challenges, the League and cities emerged surprisingly well.

Article City Forum by Meghan McKelvey

Torch Program Recognizes Leadership in Action and Continued Education

This voluntary program recognizes elected officials for continuing their professional development to enhance their knowledge and skills and for undertaking leadership roles to better serve the public. Since the Torch Program launched in 2003, hundreds of city officials have participated by meeting a series of requirements associated with its three levels of achievement.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

Laying the Groundwork for Success in 2020

Communication and collaboration are cornerstones of the ability to lead, and the League’s positive relationships with legislators are key to cities’ successes in the Capitol. Cultivating open two-way communication with our state leaders is essential to protecting the interests of cities and our residents.