Investing in early childhood helps create safe and healthy
communities. Learn how one city customized its Health and
Wellness Element to meet its residents’ unique needs.
How can a city shift its power supply to clean energy, create
jobs, complete projects on its deferred maintenance list and
improve its bond rating — without raising taxes or local water
and sewer utility rates? Two small cities offer a model.
The awards program honors counties and cities throughout
California for creative and cost-effective projects that improve
local streets, roads and bridges. It also showcases projects that
promote fiscal and environmental sustainability in the local
transportation system.
Local government leaders face a dilemma in balancing economic
opportunities with consumer needs and the environmental impacts
of a booming e-commerce industry.
Advocating promptly with united voices on key city-related
legislation is critically important. The mobile application
enables city officials to respond rapidly when a call to action
is issued.