


Article Features by Michael G. Colantuono

What You Need to Know About Municipal Finance
Recent Major Developments in the Law

California’s appellate courts have delivered three very significant decisions involving municipal revenues.


2020 Annual Conference Expo Exhibitors

League Partners’ names appear in bold. Institute for Local Government Partners are italicized. CitiPAC supporters are marked with an asterisk. The list is current as of Sept. 18, 2020. For an updated list, visit www.cacities.org/expo.

Article Features by Katie Pebler

2020 Annual Conference & Expo
Maximize Your Virtual Annual Conference Experience: 10 Ways to Prep Like a Pro

Get practical tips for a valuable and memorable experience.

Article Features by Brian P. Walter and Alexander Volberding

Best Practices to Avoid Employment Litigation Related to COVID-19

Brian P. Walter is a partner with the law firm of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore and can be reached at bwalter@lcwlegal.com. Alexander Volberding is an associate with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore and can be reached at avolberding@lcwlegal.com.

Article Features by Damien R. Arrula and Aaron France

Regional Partnership: How to Address Homelessness Differently

Twelve cities in northern Orange County collaborated to create a system of regional centers providing safe shelter and supportive services.

Article Features by Jonathan Holtzman

Using Big Data to Reduce Catastrophic Impacts of Wildfire
How Local Government Can Help Shape Solutions

The Moraga-Orinda Fire District and tech partners developed innovative software to help meet residents’ and first responders’ critical needs.

Article Features

Tips on Temporary Use of Public Property for Private Business

What cities should know about accommodating businesses in public spaces.

Article Features by Michael Fehner

Expo Exhibitors

League Partners’ names appear in bold. Institute for Local Government Partners are italicized. CitiPAC supporters are marked with an asterisk.

Article Features by Jennifer Whiting

Register Now for the Reimagined 2020 Annual Conference & Expo, Oct. 7—9

This year’s virtual event offers numerous advantages for attendees and cities.

Article Features by Stephanie Hunting and Liz Moody

From Vision to Reality: Lessons Learned in Complete Street Implementation

These projects can be challenging, but they improve traffic and support healthy lifestyles.

Article Features by Ken Pulskamp

Is a Virtual Workforce Our New Normal?

After employees get a taste for working remotely, they may not want to return to the way things were before.

Article Features by Curtis Wright

Code Enforcement During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned

Many cities have employed code enforcement staff in unique ways to protect the public and advance pandemic protocols.

Article Features by Michael More

Money-Saving Tips for Your City’s Supplemental Defined Benefit Plan

A city can save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually by reducing fees on these legacy plans.

Article Features by Wendy Sommer

How Cities Can Build Resiliency and Fight Climate Change With Healthy Soil

Seventeen cities in Alameda County are employing carbon farming, which increases the ability of soil and plants to pull carbon from the atmosphere and store it deep in the soil. Carbon farming also increases water-holding capacity, reduces erosion, creates healthier plants, and increases forage production; it’s an essential part of a resiliency strategy.

Article Features by Karalee Browne

The Environment, Energy, and Equity: How Cities Are Moving Forward in Today’s Economy

Cities are grappling with tough decisions about how to balance the essential needs of their communities with projects that were planned to address energy, equity, and the environment. Despite immediate and looming budget shortfalls, many cities are moving forward with Climate Action Plans.

Article Features by Jill Oviatt

Redwood City’s Quest to Bring Back Missing Middle Housing

Reducing the minimum lot size for duplexes and triplexes and revising current open-space requirements are among the city’s proposed zoning updates.

Article Features by Daniel Parolek and Tony Perez

How to Ensure That Missing Middle Housing Is Not Missing From Your City’s Policy, Planning, and Zoning

“Missing middle” housing helps to address the growing demand for walkable communities, respond to shifting household demographics, and meet the need for more housing choices.

Article Features by Melissa Kuehne

Cities Reframe Community Conversations About Housing

While most people agree that California needs more housing, the conversation often becomes complicated when it turns to how, where, and why in a specific community. Cities are involving their residents and communities in discussions about housing from a new perspective.

Article Features by Randi Kay Stephens

Filling the Workforce Pipeline: Targeted Solutions Address Critical Needs

When a public agency needs entry-level professionals and lacks qualified candidates, what can be done? Cities and the public sector now have a number of available options, including apprenticeships, to consider.

Article Features by Gurbax Sahota

Build Economic Development Momentum With Tools, Teams, and Tactics

In most cities, economic development competes for resources and attention as local officials deal with urgent issues that include affordable housing, emergency response, and more. Despite these challenges, many cities are building momentum in realizing their economic development goals. This article explores some of the tools, potential team members, and tactics that can help your city boost its economic vitality.