Executive Director's Message

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Summer Reading: Food for Thought

A new book reminds us how good leaders seize crises to remake organizational habits.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

What Comes Next?

In the wake of the elimination of redevelopment agencies, city officials and legislators are wondering, “What comes next?”

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

The Power of Groupthink: The New Denial

Groupthink is a phenomenon in which the group members form individual opinions that match the group consensus rather than critically evaluating information.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

League Board and Leaders Chart Strategic Path for 2012

A group of 130 League leaders and board members met recently to set the organization’s priorities for the coming year.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

“Realignment” in Any Other State Would Be Called “Community Corrections”

The California corrections realignment plan is sweeping and aggressive. Instead of trying to accomplish a decline in prison population over a gradual period, the California plan is largely driven…

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Get Ready for the Big “Trickle Down”

A major change in the role of the federal government is beginning, and it will have dramatic consequences for state and local governments.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Is the Bell Tolling for Pension Reform?

Rapidly rising pension costs threaten the delivery of public services, compromise budgets and will push some cities to the brink of fiscal collapse.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzieKen Pulskamp

The New Transparency in Local Government

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

It’s STILL the Economy: Proposition 22 Will Protect Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs

State government says it is serious about job creation but kills jobs in the private and public sectors by raiding and borrowing local government funds. Proposition 22 offers a solution.