At the League’s largest conference of the year, network with
2,000 elected officials and staff, and choose from more than 60
sessions designed to educate and inform.
Using programs ranging from truancy reduction to summer reading,
cities are taking unique and collaborative approaches to combat
summer learning loss and prepare students of all ages to return
Despite the many innovative efficiency measures now in place
throughout the country, the United States wastes more than half
of all energy produced. Eight California cities are competing for
a $5…
Woodland strives to promote the importance of expanding its tree
canopy to provide environmental, economic, health and aesthetic
benefits. Because trees help reduce greenhouse gases, the city
The annual Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards
Program recognizes projects that promote fiscal and environmental
sustainability in the local transportation system and can be…
For years, the City of El Cajon grappled with the impacts of
aggressive panhandlers, transients, serial inebriates and illegal
alcohol sales to minors.