


Article Features Ahmos Netanel

Collaboration With CAMTC Results in Safer Communities

The California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) certifies massage professionals who meet the Massage Therapy Act’s requirements.

Article Features Chris McKenzie

Measuring Progress on Massage Therapy Oversight, Collaboration and Governance

While CAMTC has taken positive steps to increase transparency and accountability, some additional work is still needed.

Article Features Steve Sanders

Sustainability Offers a Path to Prosperity

Sustainable communities are often better able to thrive and become more prosperous; sustainability is not just about the environment.

Article Features

On the Record
What’s the most challenging aspect of your work as a city council member?

City officials describe the most challenging aspect of their work on the city council.

Article Features Gary Kendrick

Powerful Local Control Remedy Addresses El Cajon’s Alcohol Nuisance Problems

For years, the City of El Cajon grappled with the impacts of aggressive panhandlers, transients, serial inebriates and illegal alcohol sales to minors.

Article Features Charlotte DicksonKanat Tibet

Complete Parks: New Concept, New Toolkit

Parks play a key role in the fight against childhood obesity and can contribute significantly to cities’ economic prosperity.

Article Features Julia Lave Johnston

Planning for Healthy and Sustainable Cities: National City Offers a Model

National City used a comprehensive planning approach to address community environmental and health concerns.

Article Features Dan Carrigg

New Economic Development Tools Offer Opportunities for Creativity

Three new tools provide a number of promising options.

Article Features Tim Cromartie

Drones: A Growing Hazard in the Absence of Tighter Regulations

The steadily growing use of recreational drones has risen to the level of endangering first-responder aircraft as well as commercial jetliners. New regulations, while helpful, may not go far…

Article Features Dan Carrigg

2015 Legislative Year in Review

Significant positive developments for the League included the adoption of a new economic development tool for lower-income communities and the passage of a medical marijuana regulatory bill package.

Article Features

On the Record
What advice would you give a newly elected council member?

City officials offer advice to newly elected council members.

Article Features Jodi Remke

Making Campaign Finance and Government More Transparent

The State of California houses a treasure trove of extremely valuable information; the problem is extracting and presenting it in a way that is meaningful and readily accessible. The Fair…

Article Features

On the Record
What’s the best advice you ever received about serving in public office?

City officials share the best advice they’ve received on serving in public office.

Article Features Robert Leland

Forecasting for an Uncertain Fiscal Future

The lingering revenue effects from the Great Recession, changes to pension contributions, rising retiree medical costs and other factors almost guarantee that the financial future for California…

Article Features Eva SpiegelJude Hudson

The Sharing Economy’s Impact on Cities

Ride-sharing and home-sharing services are affecting cities in a variety of ways. Seven California cities report their experiences.

Article Features Suzanne ShenfilAmiel Thurston

Hoarding’s Hazards: Fremont’s New Approach Improves Safety

Hoarding is a costly problem for cities to tackle, often taking hours of staff time and costing thousands of dollars.

Article Features Jude Hudson

West Sacramento’s Path to a Safer, Healthier Community

A crime-ridden trail spurred unhappy residents into action and led to a collaborative effort involving a local nonprofit, the city, school district and multiple agencies.

Article Features Cory Golden

Challenges of Closing the Digital Divide

The City of Winters illustrates the difficulties of deploying broadband in smaller cities.

Article Features Katie Sacco

League of California Cities 2015 Annual Conference & Expo Highlights

Take a look at the conference’s networking opportunities, Expo and more.