Public Trust and Ethics


Public Trust and Ethics

Garden Grove Empowers Residents and Improves a Neighborhood

Communicating with residents was key to developing solutions.

Porterville Provides Clean, Sustainable Water After Neighbors’ Wells Fail

The East Porterville Water Supply Project offers a model for helping to meet the clean and sustainable drinking water needs of disadvantaged communities.

Article City Forum by Randi Kay Stephens

Transitioning to Districts and Sustaining Effective Governance as a Council

Following the move from at-large to district-based elections, Concord’s city officials and staff wanted to be proactive in establishing governance norms. This article outlines key issues related to the transition and how the city approached them.

Article by Carolyn Coleman

After the Campaign Is Over: Aim for Exceptional

Two-thirds of Americans surveyed in a 2018 poll had a favorable opinion of their local government. The public will continue to look favorably on local government and a functioning local democracy if newly elected and re-elected mayors and council members embrace the attributes of exceptional councils.

Article Features by Melissa Kuehne

Finance Advisory Committees: Tips and Traps

Melissa Kuehne is communications and development manager for the Institute for Local Government; she can be reached at

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Melissa Kuehne

Tools to Engage Your Community in the Budgeting Process

Sharing the city’s budget information with the community helps residents understand constraints and develop informed opinions on how limited financial resources should be allocated.

Article Executive Director's Message by Carolyn Coleman

Preparing for the Next Economic Downturn

Cities can take proactive steps to better position themselves for the impacts of the next major economic downturn.

Article Legal Notes by Patrick Whitnell, Corrie Manning and Luis Haro

Regulating Hate Speech in California

Even though hateful speech is generally protected under the First Amendment, some hate speech does not receive protection.

Santa Clarita Court Diversion Program Gives Teens a Second Chance

This innovative program keeps one moment of immature indiscretion from turning into a pattern of criminal behavior that can ruin any hope for a bright future.

Article Features by Charles Harvey and Eva Spiegel

Community Policing Insights From Chief Daniel Hahn

Chief Hahn discusses strategies to help build stronger relationships between the community and local law enforcement.

Article Features by Eric Lucan

Novato Says “Not In Our Town”

Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, address bullying and build safe, inclusive communities for all.

Article City Forum by Cindy Silva and David Rabbitt

We Can Outsmart Disaster: Why Local Governments Should Get Involved

A look at how communities can plan for an earthquake and improve resilience.

Article Features by Shaun M. Anderson

Creating a Collaborative Community Development Initiative

Using sports for community development initiatives holds promise for cities.

Article Features by Jim Lewis

Getting the Most Value From Your City’s Technology Investment

On average, cities spend 2.5 to 3 percent of their overall budgets on technology.

Article Features by Chris Steins

A New Technology for City Publishing

An innovative approach simplifies online publishing.

Article City Forum

Ballot Measure Activities and Use of Public Resources: What You Need to Know

Public agencies and officials face important restrictions related to ballot measure activities.

Article Legal Notes by T. Peter Pierce

Loaded Questions: Local Regulation of Businesses Selling Firearms

A look at local zoning and safety regulations that cities may adopt and apply to firearms retailers.

Youths DARE to Pay It Forward in Tracy

High school students serve as mentors for younger students.