Public Trust and Ethics


Public Trust and Ethics

Santa Maria’s Listos: Disaster Preparedness Program Builds Trust

The City of Santa Maria’s Listos program emphasizes sharing emergency and disaster preparedness skills, using a culturally appropriate curriculum that overcomes language and trust barriers.

Article Everyday Ethics for Local Officials

Using Public Resources: Special Issues Around Expenses and Expense Reimbursement

Tips for public agency employees on travel, expense reimbursement and credit card usage.

Pondering Innovation at the Local Level

How does innovation occur in local government? What can local officials interested in seeing their agencies engage in innovation do to support innovation?

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

The Conversations We All Need to Have, Again and Again

Rather than have a national “conversation” about race, President Obama suggested, in effect, that we have millions of conversations about it over the next few years.

Article City Forum

Institute Offers Programs and Resources at the League Annual Conference

The Institute for Local Government is offering several sessions at the League of California Cities 2013 Annual Conference & Expo to provide educational opportunities for city officials.

Article Everyday Ethics for Local Officials

Using Public Resources for Gifts and Charitable Purposes

Many agencies are finding their spending decisions under increasing scrutiny.

Article Features Steven R. MeyersBritt K. Strottman

Under California: Knowing What Lies Beneath

Most people are generally unaware of what lies beneath the streets they travel on each day. Understanding the sub-surface infrastructure is an important local government consideration.

Article President’s Message Bill Bogaard

Using Technology to Enhance Transparency

Technology offers many ways for local governments to increase and enhance the transparency of their operations. A proactive approach is best when it comes to providing information to residents and…

Article City Forum

Meetings and Technology: Finding the Right Balance

Local agency officials and staff are wise to be mindful of transparency and fair process issues related to technology.

Who Gets to Use Agency Seals, Logos, Letterhead and Other Insignia?

Examining how other local agencies handle these issues provides a helpful starting place for determining which approach best serves your agency’s needs.

Article Everyday Ethics for Local Officials

Get Your Public Meetings Back on Track

Disruptions in public meetings seem to be increasingly common. This article offers tips for local agency officials on handling conflict and strategies to help make meetings more productive.

Meetings: Bane or Blessing? New Resource Center Offers Help

Meetings can present a broad range of challenges for local officials. A collection of useful materials offers practical information on related topics that include chairing a meeting, dealing with a…