Public Trust and Ethics


Public Trust and Ethics

Article Features by Anton Dahlerbruch

Tips for Achieving Ballot Measure Success

Lessons learned from a failed effort and a successful one.

Article Features by J. Scott Tiedemann and Alison Kalinski

#MeToo 2.0: A Guide to Help Navigate New Workplace Harassment Laws

A look at changes in the law and best practices.

Article Features by Ken Striplin

Tackling Homelessness

Cities do not have to wrestle with this issue alone.

Article Features by Margery Haupt, LaWayne Hearn and Kevin Townsend

ABCs of Safety, Communications and Large Events

Tips developed by the team that coordinates an annual event drawing 750,000 visitors.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Erica L. Manuel

Connect With ILG at the Annual Conference & Expo

Check out ILG sessions and more.

Article Features by Ryder Todd Smith

The Sixth Council Member: Social Media

Even if you don’t personally use social media, your constituents do— and they are using it to talk about you and your policy decisions.

Article City Forum by Doug Linkhart

Gauging Your Community’s Capacity to Solve Problems and Thrive

Explore the National Civic League’s Civic Index, a self-assessment tool.

Article Features by Nat Rojanasathira and Dominic Lazzaretto

It Starts With Civility: Elected Officials’ Role in Attracting and Retaining Employees

Tips for local officials.

Article Features by Charlotte Dickson

Villages and Resilient, Age-Friendly Cities

Villages build connections, support and social capital among older adults.

Article Features by Andrew Powers

Resiliency Wins: Our Community’s Response to Two Tragedies

How Thousand Oaks coped with a mass shooting and two major wildfires in a single day.

Article Legal Notes by Alex Pal

Disasters in California: A Brief Overview of Preparedness, Proclamations and Assistance

Though California cities cannot predict or prevent the next disaster, they can take steps to maximize preparedness and build capacity.

Article Web Exclusive by Chris Callard

Environmental Tag Team: The Unique Partnership of Paramount and the Air Quality Management District

When a reporter called asking about an abnormal level of a carcinogenic toxin in the air, city leaders were surprised to learn of it.

Article Features by Scott Summerfield

Communicating During a Cyberattack: The Next Crisis Frontier for Cities

Local agencies are a favorite target for cyberattacks. Plan now for what can happen if a cyberattacker seizes control of your city’s data and systems.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Melissa Kuehne

Boosting Community Engagement With Social Media: How One City Is Using Facebook Live

Lake Forest began streaming council meetings in early 2018.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Broadband Deployment, Public Safety and Defending Local Control

It is unreasonable and unacceptable for the telecom industry to expect it can override the legitimate concerns and best interests of our residents and cities.

Article Features by David Graham

Innovative by Necessity: Lessons from Modestly Sized Cities

A chief information officer describes how lessons learned from modestly sized cities can apply to cities of all sizes.

Article Features by Barrie Hathaway and Larry Moody

Peninsula Division Explores Ways to Build Workforce Readiness

Businesses are struggling to find the talent they need.

Rancho Cucamonga Focuses on Community’s Mental Health Needs

An untreated mental health condition can have fatal consequences and a devastating impact on the community.

Article Features by Hafsa Kaka

Santa Ana Establishes 200-Bed Interim Homeless Shelter in 28 Days

A public-private partnership and the community mobilized in response to rapidly increasing homelessness.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Hanna Stelmakhovych

Preparing for the 2020 Census: What Cities Need to Know

The census drives important funding for city programs. California cities can play an active role in helping to make the 2020 census fair and accurate.