Public Trust and Ethics


Public Trust and Ethics

Article Features Lea Deesing

What City Officials Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Hackers generally hit the easiest targets first. Such an attack may be financially based rather than an attempt to cause mayhem in your city. Risk can be mitigated in many ways, but one of the…

Article Features Nancy Kerry

Reducing Unfunded Liabilities for Other Post-Employment Benefits

Learn how one city reduced its liability by 73 percent.

Article Legal Notes Barbara J. ParkerKiran Jain

The Challenges of Open Data and Privacy Issues

The recent advent of extraordinary technological advances has made it possible to provide easy access to city information and data. It has also presented an unprecedented opportunity to improve…

Engaging Residents Helps Build Vibrant Communities

A new resource presents an overview of land-use planning, who is involved, why community engagement matters and ways to participate.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

“Once Upon a Time”: Storytelling and the Art of Leadership

City leaders often must inspire people to accept and even support changes in their lives that they might otherwise oppose, and storytelling can play a key role.

Article Features Julie Pierce

The Future of SB 375 Implementation and Regional Planning

All 18 metropolitan planning organizations in California will have adopted their first Regional Transportation Plans under SB 375 by May 2015. This article looks at what SB 375 has accomplished…

Article Legal Notes The League Of California Cities’ Committee On The California Public Records Act

Cost-Effective Public Records Act Compliance and Records Transparency Following Proposition 42

City policies and practices can maintain records transparency, simplify responding to disclosure requests and reduce costs even before a records request is submitted.

Community Leadership Programs: Empowering Future Leaders

Community-based organizations often provide leadership development programs for residents or specific underrepresented populations and offer an opportunity to invigorate civic engagement.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Ethics, Transparency and Building Public Confidence in Local Government

This month Western City focuses on the issues of ethics and public trust. The League and the Institute for Local Government (ILG), the nonprofit research affiliate of the League and the California State Association of Counties, offer a variety of helpful resources about these topics for local elected officials and city staff.

Article Features Lea Deesing

Electronic Transparency and Open Data: A Movement Worth Joining

Taking information that local agencies already have and making it open to the public reduces in-house costs and builds efficiencies for both staff and constituents. In the past the public…

Article City Forum Eva Spiegel

New Mayors and Council Members’ Academy Provides a Strong Start

Held each January in Sacramento, the academy features seasoned experts who present the nuts and bolts of city council operations.

Article Everyday Ethics for Local Officials

Getting Public Employees Off to a Good Start

How does one sensitize the public agency’s workforce to the special obligations of being a public agency staff member? Strategies include discussing practical examples from the media to help…

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Disruptive Technology, Public Policy and Leadership

Public sector leaders face a number of challenges related to disruptive technology.

Article President’s Message José Cisneros

How Your Participation in the League Can Help Your City — and You

Becoming involved in the League provides many benefits not only for cities and elected local officials, but also for staff and department heads.

Article City Forum

New Tool Helps Understand Candidates’ Positions on Issues Important to Cities

An online questionnaire gives communities an opportunity to gain insights about candidates’ views on local control and other issues of importance to cities statewide.

Santa Clarita Uses Community Approach to Strengthen Neighborhood

The city partnered with residents to find creative ways to address tough challenges.

Article Everyday Ethics for Local Officials

When Tragedy Strikes: A Leader’s Role, Revisited

When a tragic event occurs and an investigation follows, it’s helpful for elected local officials to keep a few key issues in mind.

Article Executive Director's Message Chris McKenzie

Why Home Rule Is the Birthright of California’s Cities

Local control, or home rule, provides the foundation for city governance. This article examines the state’s history and the Legislature’s tradition of meddling in local affairs.