President's Message


President’s Message

Article President’s Message By League of California Cities President and El Centro Mayor Cheryl Viegas Walker

Cal Cities delivers on local control, funding, and resources for cities

The decisions that we make every day as city leaders, especially housing and land use decisions, cannot be made in a vacuum. All city services and programs must be viewed through a lens of equity, and this new Advancing Equity Advisory Committee will play an integral role in identifying how cities can recognize and eliminate disparities in our systems.

Article President's Message by Cheryl Viegas Walker

Cal Cities strategic priorities set a course for 2021

In December 2020, city leaders who serve in leadership positions for the League of California Cities divisions, departments, policy committees, and diversity caucuses convened virtually for the annual League Leaders program, to chart the organization’s priorities for 2021. Developing member-driven and -informed strategic advocacy priorities is key to the effectiveness of Cal Cities’ advocacy efforts on behalf of cities.

Article President’s Message by Cheryl Viegas Walker

Hope Is Not a Strategy, but It Is a Requirement for Leadership

It’s helpful to remember that leadership isn’t always about remaining stoic and displaying optimism. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is both human and acceptable, especially in relentlessly difficult circumstances.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

An Unconventional Year

In circumstances as transformative as a global pandemic and a groundswell of civil unrest, effective leadership requires the ability to adapt.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

What COVID-19 Is Teaching Us

As our communities move through the phases of recovery, cities are benefiting from new ways of doing the public’s business and also confronting the challenges associated with COVID-19’s impacts.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

Building Just and Equitable Communities

The impacts of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and the injustices his death exemplifies are being felt on our streets, in our businesses, and in every city and town in California, across the country, and throughout the world.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

In an Unprecedented Crisis, Local and State Leaders Step Up

When early reports of infection showed California was among the states with the highest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases, local and state leaders stepped up, taking action to slow the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable populations.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

New Approaches Build Local Economies

Attracting new businesses, retaining employers, and providing opportunities for a skilled workforce are essential to fostering a healthy economy in our cities. California cities are using diverse approaches, programs, and tools to help support economic development and thriving communities.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

Laying the Groundwork for Success in 2020

Communication and collaboration are cornerstones of the ability to lead, and the League’s positive relationships with legislators are key to cities’ successes in the Capitol. Cultivating open two-way communication with our state leaders is essential to protecting the interests of cities and our residents.

Article President’s Message by John F. Dunbar

Partnering With the State to Support Affordable Housing Development: Get Ready

The shortage of affordable housing is a crisis for cities statewide and the focus of a League 2019 strategic goal. The League’s hard work on this issue was boosted by an executive order from Governor Newsom earlier this year.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Tales From the Dusty Trail: City Voices on Statewide Issues

A summary of insights and issues from League divisions statewide.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Focusing on Youth and a Vibrant Future

Our young residents play a critically important part in the future of our cities — they are tomorrow’s leaders, workers and innovators. Cities statewide are engaging youth in numerous ways.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Broadband Deployment, Public Safety and Defending Local Control

It is unreasonable and unacceptable for the telecom industry to expect it can override the legitimate concerns and best interests of our residents and cities.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

When Face-to-Face Meetings Produce the Best Results

One advantage of establishing relationships with newly elected officials (and their staff) is that it often facilitates access during their term that follows.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

League Strategic Goals Set a Course for 2019

Approximately 100 League leaders participated in the goal-setting process. This provides an opportunity for city leaders to reflect on the prior year’s work, discuss current challenges and establish League priorities, as the organization continues to serve as the leading voice of California cities.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Steer Clear of Trouble: Refresh Your Knowledge and Update Your Skills

It’s easy to make a misstep by not understanding that what may seem acceptable or harmless may nevertheless be a violation of the law with serious consequences.

Article President’s Message by Jan Arbuckle

Strategic Growth Planning and Dynamic Transformation

Moving the League forward will involve implementing big, bold ideas on multiple fronts.

Article President’s Message by Rich Garbarino

Meeting the Challenges Ahead for Cities

A report on progress made during the past year and a look at what lies ahead.

Article President’s Message by Rich Garbarino

Energy, Water and the Responsibilities of Stewardship

Energy production is a key factor both in the state’s economy and its environmental quality. Water quality and supply reliability also play a central role in our state’s economy.

Article President’s Message by Rich Garbarino

Pushing Back on Infrastructure Issues: Key to Our Local and State Economies

The League has focused on transportation infrastructure needs for over a decade, and this remains a priority for California cities in 2018.