Land Use and Planning


Land Use and Planning

Clovis Builds Dry Creek Trailhead to Educate and Connect the Community

The City of Clovis transformed a three-acre unimproved lot into an educational community recreation area that protects natural resources and promotes healthy living.

Article City Forum Cory Golden

Planning Commission Often Leads to City Council

If you want a sneak preview of a city council’s future, a planning commission meeting is a good place to start.

Article President’s Message L. Dennis Michael

League Leaders Set 2016 Strategic Goals

Each year we ask a diverse group of about 100 city officials to tell us which policy envelopes we need to push, which walls we need to scale and what partnerships we need to build. Bringing…

Article Features Dan Carrigg

2015 Legislative Year in Review

Significant positive developments for the League included the adoption of a new economic development tool for lower-income communities and the passage of a medical marijuana regulatory bill package.

Salinas Fosters Ag Tech Innovation

Technology will soon be radically transforming agriculture and the Salinas Valley, home to an agricultural industry that generates over $8 billion annually.

Article Features Eva SpiegelJude Hudson

The Sharing Economy’s Impact on Cities

Ride-sharing and home-sharing services are affecting cities in a variety of ways. Seven California cities report their experiences.

Article Features Jude Hudson

West Sacramento’s Path to a Safer, Healthier Community

A crime-ridden trail spurred unhappy residents into action and led to a collaborative effort involving a local nonprofit, the city, school district and multiple agencies.

Article Legal Notes Thomas B. BrownRichard Doyle

California Supreme Court Upholds Inclusionary Housing Programs

The California Supreme Court in June 2015 issued one of its most important and city-friendly decisions in many years, reaffirming the breadth of cities’ power to address the affordable housing…


Celebrating 60 Years of Service to California’s Local Governments

This year the Institute for Local Government (ILG) celebrates its 60th anniversary. The occasion offers a chance to reflect on ILG’s history of promoting good government at the local level and look to its future in helping create opportunities and establish partnerships that support the work of local agencies throughout California.

Article Legal Notes Trevor RusinAndrea Visveshwara

Home Sharing in the New Economy

Online hosting platforms make it easy to rent a home or room for short periods of time. Cities’ traditional regulatory tools allow communities to address short-term rentals and their potential…

Article Features Dave Cogdill

Heeding the Call for Water Conservation

If every home in the state were retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures, over 300 billion gallons of water could be saved per year.

Covina Develops Software for Rental Inspection Program

The city developed a proactive model and software to streamline inspections.

Engaging Residents Helps Build Vibrant Communities

A new resource presents an overview of land-use planning, who is involved, why community engagement matters and ways to participate.

Dublin Uses Public-Private Partnership to Transform Neighborhood

The city converted public housing to privately owned affordable housing and created a new neighborhood. The five-year planning process involved all key stakeholders, including existing residents,…

Article Features Julie Pierce

The Future of SB 375 Implementation and Regional Planning

All 18 metropolitan planning organizations in California will have adopted their first Regional Transportation Plans under SB 375 by May 2015. This article looks at what SB 375 has accomplished…

Article City Forum Kirstin Kolpitcke

New Law Strengthens Local Regulation of Massage Businesses

New legislation returned to California cities and counties the authority to adopt ordinances regarding the massage therapy industry through a combination of land-use and business regulations.

Article President’s Message Stephany Aguilar

Grappling With the Challenges of Transportation Infrastructure Financing

California’s local streets and roads network is currently funded through a variety of sources including the state gas tax, federal transportation funds, local tax and bond measures, and…

A Renaissance for Long Beach Airport

The $45 million project, completed five months ahead of schedule and on budget, was funded by a General Airport Revenue Bond and passenger facility charges.