Public Safety


Public Safety

Article Legal Notes by Joaquin Vazquez

Safe Sidewalk Vending Act Curbs Local Regulations: What You Need to Know

This new law affects cities in several significant ways.

Rancho Cucamonga Focuses on Community’s Mental Health Needs

An untreated mental health condition can have fatal consequences and a devastating impact on the community.

Article Features by Hafsa Kaka

Santa Ana Establishes 200-Bed Interim Homeless Shelter in 28 Days

A public-private partnership and the community mobilized in response to rapidly increasing homelessness.

Article Legal Notes by Jennifer Gore

Dockless Bicycles and Scooters: Responding to New Technology

Few technologies have overtaken cities as quickly as that of dockless bicycles and scooters, and these devices have proved difficult for cities to regulate.

Garden Grove Empowers Residents and Improves a Neighborhood

Communicating with residents was key to developing solutions.

Patterson’s HOST House Tackles Homelessness

The city financed a transitional residence for its homeless population.

Truckee’s Mini Mousehole Improves Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

This project solved a major problem, and now people are encouraged to choose alternative forms of transportation.

Article Legal Notes by Patrick Whitnell, Corrie Manning and Luis Haro

Regulating Hate Speech in California

Even though hateful speech is generally protected under the First Amendment, some hate speech does not receive protection.

Santa Clarita Court Diversion Program Gives Teens a Second Chance

This innovative program keeps one moment of immature indiscretion from turning into a pattern of criminal behavior that can ruin any hope for a bright future.

Article Features by Karalee Browne

Public Safety and Wildfire Resilience

Making wildfire resilience a priority helps cities ensure their communities are safe and prosperous for generations to come.

Article Features by Charles Harvey and Eva Spiegel

Community Policing Insights From Chief Daniel Hahn

Chief Hahn discusses strategies to help build stronger relationships between the community and local law enforcement.

Article Features by Eric Lucan

Novato Says “Not In Our Town”

Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, address bullying and build safe, inclusive communities for all.

Article City Forum by Cindy Silva and David Rabbitt

We Can Outsmart Disaster: Why Local Governments Should Get Involved

A look at how communities can plan for an earthquake and improve resilience.

Article Features by Tim Cromartie

Cannabis Legalization in California: Nine Months Out

Gain an overview of current issues for cities.

Article Features by Jim Lewis

Getting the Most Value From Your City’s Technology Investment

On average, cities spend 2.5 to 3 percent of their overall budgets on technology.

Article Legal Notes by T. Peter Pierce

Loaded Questions: Local Regulation of Businesses Selling Firearms

A look at local zoning and safety regulations that cities may adopt and apply to firearms retailers.

Youths DARE to Pay It Forward in Tracy

High school students serve as mentors for younger students.

Article Features

Before, During and After California Wildland Fires: The New Normal

Lessons from one of the worst fire years in California history.

Article Executive Director's Message by Carolyn Coleman

November Ballot Measure Attacks Bridge and Road Safety: Mobilize Now

Proposition 6 would repeal the Road Repair and Accountability Act.

Article Features by Yvonne Hunter

Planning Collaboratively For Extreme Heat Events

Extreme heat events now affect communities statewide and present resiliency planning challenges.