Public Works/Infrastructure


Public Works/Infrastructure

Oxnard Taps Youth to Improve Quality of Life

City Corps participants gain valuable career skills.

Article Features Jennifer Cohen

Planning for Self-Driving Cars

Public officials need to act quickly to enact policies and plans.

Article City Forum

Transportation Funding Will Begin Flowing Soon

Cities should note key deadlines and prepare now.

Article Features Tracy Dunne

Pleasanton Makes Recycling Water a Priority

The city’s efforts will save an estimated 450 million gallons of drinking water per year.

Article Features

Local Streets and Roads Awards Highlight Best Practices

The awards program recognizes local government projects that reduce waste and costs and promote sustainability.

Article City Forum

AskRail App Provides Hazmat Data for First Responders

The app provides immediate access to information about hazardous materials a railcar is carrying.

Article President’s Message Joanne Mounce

Making Cities Smarter

A few key principles apply to any smart city efforts, regardless of size or scope.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government Randi Kay Stephens

Cities and Schools Partner for Positive, Transformational Outcomes

Culver City offers a model for successful community-schools partnerships.

Article President’s Message Joanne Mounce

How Volunteerism Enriches Communities

The small-town feeling of community that many of us experienced as youngsters has become more elusive. Volunteering gives us a sense of connectedness and offers multiple benefits.

Article City Forum Charlotte Dickson and Kanat Tibet

The HEAL Cities Campaign Helps Build Complete Parks Systems

Obesity and related diseases threaten the health of cities’ most vulnerable populations, particularly children and youth. In response, California cities are participating in the Healthy Eating…

Article Features Eva Spiegel

In Desperate Need: California’s Crumbling Streets and Roads

A recent report underscores the critical need in California to develop a transportation funding solution that will keep residents and the economy moving forward.

Hayward’s Water Facility Ranked in Top 30 for On-Site Green Power Production

The facility produces excess energy equivalent to approximately $400,000 annually and offsets energy costs for other city facilities.

Article President’s Message Joanne Mounce

Local Infrastructure Conditions: A Crisis Situation

We can either pay to fix and maintain our infrastructure today or pay much more in the future to replace it.

Article City Forum Jeanette Kennedy

Building Communications Infrastructure for First Responders

The ability to communicate is critically important for first responders in emergency situations. The First Responder Network Authority is working to deliver a broadband network for public safety…

Article City Forum Dan Carrigg

A Look at the League’s 2017 Strategic Priorities

The League is focusing on public safety, affordable housing, the homelessness crisis and funding for critical transportation and water infrastructure.

Bakersfield Creates Jobs for Homeless People

The city and its partners created a model that helps communities use limited resources to solve multiple problems.

Palmdale’s Season of Service Puts Volunteers to Work

Palmdale gives residents a way to help address critical infrastructure challenges.

Article Features

Local Streets and Roads Awards Recognize Best Practices

The annual Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards Program recognizes projects that promote fiscal and environmental sustainability in the local transportation system and can be…

Fresno Uses Mobile App to Reach and Engage the Community

The app facilitates a dialogue with Fresno’s diverse residents.

Article President’s Message L. Dennis Michael

Using Technology to Better Serve Our Communities

Many California cities are looking at how the Internet of Things can serve the public.