


Article Features Scott SummerfieldSheri Benninghoven

Crisis at City Hall: Planning Ahead Can Make The Difference, Part 1

Article Features Kyra Ross

Understanding the New Water Conservation Mandates:

The state’s newest water conservation requirements for local governments will affect virtually every community in California.

Article Features Greg Keidan

Using Keypad Polling to Enhance Public Meetings

It can be a challenge to design public meeting that allow a large and diverse group of residents to collaboratively identify and offer their preferences or recommendations to decision-makers in a…

Article Features Charlotte Dickson

Lower Your Costs by Adopting an Employee Wellness Policy

Obesity-related health care and physical inactivity cost California $41 billion annually. In their role as employers, cities can affect two leading components of health: nutrition and exercise….

Article Features Dan Carrigg

2009 Legislative Review

Article Features

2009 Annual Conference Review

More than 1,500 city officials attended the League of California Cities 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition held Sept. 16-18 in San Jose. Dozens of sessions and workshops focused on timely…

Article Features Bill Statler

Municipal Fiscal-Health Contingency Planning

Good times come and go. How can cities best position themselves to weather the bad times? One city’s approach involves having a fiscal-health contingency plan in place so it doesn’t face…