California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence

Santa Clarita Uses Collaborative Approach to Tackle Youths’ Drug Abuse

An upward trend in substance abuse spurred a partnership of the city, county and school district.

Goleta Makes Emergency Preparedness a Priority

The Goleta Prepare Now/Goleta Prepárese Hoy program provides education and training to community members so they can assist their families and neighborhoods during a disaster.

Monrovia’s YES Program Opens Doors For At-Risk Teens

Monrovia’s YES Program Opens Doors For At-Risk Teens The program provides career opportunities and guidance.

Eureka Reaches Teens With GULCH

Eureka Reaches Teens With GULCH Youth helped design a character building program.​

Santa Clarita Uses Community Approach to Strengthen Neighborhood

The city partnered with residents to find creative ways to address tough challenges.

Elk Grove Rain Garden Plaza Showcases Water Conservation

A public project demonstrates sustainable stormwater management practices and offers an educational, inviting space.

San Clemente’s “Fun on the Run Fitness” Focuses on Youth

The Fun on the Run Mobile Recreation program visits four low-income neighborhood areas weekly to keep children engaged and active after school with physical activities, games, crafts and nutrition…

Ontario Provides Homeless With Continuum of Services

The City of Ontario partnered with Mercy House Living Centers to create a full-service continuum of care that would provide the social and capital infrastructure necessary to transition all…

Malibu’s Legacy Park: A Public Works Approach to Sustainability

Every year, thousands of visitors flock to Legacy Park, which was designed to showcase six regionally significant habitats, including the coastal prairie, woodlands, coastal bluffs, riparian…

Montclair and Ontario Invest in Future Workforce

Like many cities throughout California, Montclair and Ontario are faced with breaking the cycle of low adult educational attainment, family poverty and workforce development hurdles. An innovative…

Walnut Creek Takes a Graphic Approach to Its Budget

The city did something dramatically different with its budget report to capture the community’s attention about a looming deficit.

Santa Maria’s Listos: Disaster Preparedness Program Builds Trust

The City of Santa Maria’s Listos program emphasizes sharing emergency and disaster preparedness skills, using a culturally appropriate curriculum that overcomes language and trust barriers.

A Tale of Two Cities: Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek’s Community Service Days

These projects increase civic pride and produce remarkable results.

Cathedral City Takes Action on Energy Efficiency

Using a variety of partnerships and local initiatives, Cathedral City reduced its energy costs.

Redlands311: Smartphone App Serves Residents

The app provides a way to report a wide range of issues, including potholes, vandalism, water leaks and more, directly to city staff.

SmartRiverside Transforms Community and Fosters Innovation

SmartRiverside has helped transform the city by promoting high-tech businesses, encouraging collaboration and creating a forum for communication between students and high-tech organizations.